Speak your shame

Speak your shame. Say it over and over, out loud. Don’t repeat it quietly to yourself like a mantra that imprisons you, running grooves into your soft gray brain. Say it out loud until it transforms from something that isolates you and keeps you small and fearful, to something that frees the whole world. Say out loud the things that lurk in the shadows and tug at your mouth, keeping it downturned and worried that you are, at your core, perhaps an inherently unlovable person. Speak your shame out loud while you look directly into the shadow and finally realize that your deepest wounds having nothing to do with your worthiness and everything to do with your Warrior Heart. As soon as you shine light into those dark places, the gems are revealed, the elixir is found, and you can finally begin the journey home to your own heart. Speak your shame, stand in your strength, heal yourself and heal the world.