Day 73,000,000 of the Human Experiment on Earth

Nothing has changed much. We’re still all in the grip of collective, worldwide change, as we have been since the beginning of humanity. The difference now is that all of our attention is focused on a singular event. We have been activated, awakened, poked, zapped, and enlivened. Fear has been run through our nervous systems. Sometimes it is still playing around the edges, waking us up at 3am, repeating back to us snippets of information that we’d absorbed the day before. The global collective is unified with a singular focus. It is unprecedented and extraordinary.

Within that unification, mirroring the prisming of the one thing into the 10,000 things, is a myriad of ideas about what is going on. Every single person I speak to has an idea. A theory. A bit of evidence to back it up. There is defiance. Acquiescence. Hope. Grim, fatalistic teeth grinding. There is everything expressed within the unity of our collective. As it always has been and as it should be. We, in all of our diversity and multidimensional, multiperspectivity, are expressing all aspects of the creator in form. And that is as it should be. Our glorious human experiment has culminated in this exact moment. And this one. And this one. And this one. And running through the drama, the boredom, the peace, the fear, the suffering, the concern, the knowing, the aliveness, the transformation of death, is the whisper of choice. We are graced with Free Will. It is possible to tell whatever story we want to tell about neutral experience, which is the nature of all experience. We are creators, coloring our experiences with meaning. And we get to choose that meaning. That is the essence of Free Will.

We all look to the external to tell us how we should feel about things. Long ago, we looked to the stars. We were superstitious. We tried to appease nature and the gods. We bartered human life for the blessing of a good harvest. We invented religion, and used intermediaries, hopeful that they could somehow manage the chaos and meaningless of life. We give away our power to governments, to community, to media, and to the collective overculture. But quietly, in the background, there has flourished something else. Another path. The path of the individual. The path of the stoic. The Hero, leaving the village, facing trials, finding her internal core truth and essence in order to become a real human. This is a human complete in his own skin. Self-directed. Self-possessed. Self-actualized. Pinocchio becomes a real boy. Evey frees herself from the fear of death and becomes free in her prison, no longer able to be victimized and swayed by the whims of her captor. Neo sees through the illusion and shapes the world to his preference, and then sets out to expose the illusion to those still under its spell. These are the metaphors we call upon during this potent time. There is a roadmap in front of us.

For those who have in their possession the elixir, the truth, it is time now to deploy it. We don’t need to have all of the answers. We don’t need to save the world. We need to create it. We create a new world by telling a new story. Our attention is ultimately a creative force. A clear mind can be harnessed to look at the world in a new way. An automobile was once just an idea. So was a road. So was a republic. And a heart transplant, a school, a hedge fund, a pottery class, a water treatment plant, and the wheel. Our world is literally created by our thoughts and ideas. We can have new ones. We can agree to a new way. We don’t have to have it all figured out. We don’t have to see each step on the long journey. Martin Luther King Jr said that faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.

None of us have all of the answers, but each of holds a piece of the puzzle. We are being called upon to actuate, sing our unique song, rise up in a chorus of voices, and contribute to the creation of something new. I feel this as strongly as I have ever felt anything. My certainty that the game of this planet is one of evolution, transformation, actualization and creation, as learned through the myths which have emerged through the collective human unconscious since the first written story, gives me courage. I have looked down all dark, hopeless, pathways as a victim of the world, and have seen only one way through. We emerge, reborn in the image of god, creators.