There Is No Ground

“The bad news is you're falling through the air, nothing to hang on to, no parachute. The good news is, there's no ground.” - Chogyam Trungpa

Hey Gorgeous HoneyHearts,

We are still paused, and so much is moving through our bodies, emotions, spirits, minds, and perceptions. Unfortunately, the game of this planet is not one where we someday arrive, healed, done, fully formed and whole, to live out the rest of our days in ease and bliss. Part of the deal here is that there are challenges. There is always lead available to be turned into gold. There is always the possibility of alchemy and transmutation. There are dragons to be met, caves to be entered, shadows to be illuminated, and the lotus is always there, waiting in the muck. Once we know the way that the system works, we have a way through. We know that when the challenge arrives, the ticket is to lean in, not turn away. Yes, there are Netflix and ice cream days. There are times when our physical bodies and nervous systems need to rest and restore before we’re ready to deeply enter into the challenge again. That’s fine. There is no referee. There’s no judge in the sky, watching to make sure we do a good job at all of this. We are here in this world, but we are not of this world. We get to engage as much or as little as we want. We can stay uncomfortable, numb out, avoid, rest and gather strength as much as we want. Free Will means we can choose. Choice is our sovereign birthright. You won’t get in trouble if you don’t want to engage with your shadows.

If you are ready, though… if you feel called to move from one state of being to another, if you are tired of your job, relationship, your addiction, fear, anger or victimhood, now is an incredibly potent time to make the shift. All of our structures and foundations have been shaken. Our feelings of security have been challenged and activated on all levels. We are in a moment of free fall, and it is full of possibility. The work of transmutation is not easy. None of this is for the faint of heart. But if you feel a knowing within you and a resonance with what I’m talking about, now is the time.

If you need help finding your way through a challenge that has you stuck and distracted, feel free to reach out. We can work together to help shift things, or I help you find resources that resonate with your particular paradigm.